Home pageN/ACollectible: Saitama x Mr. Grapes Halloween Treat 2022
Saitama x Mr. Grapes Halloween Treat 2022
Mr. Grapes has designed a special version of his Dum Dum character celebrating Halloween 2022 for the Saitama Wolfpack. This digital treat has only 50 copies that can come with a real treat: five lucky holders of the NFT will win a reward in Saitama tokens!
- A draft will be announced on Saitama channels after the 50 existing copies are sold out.
- All wallets from the list of holders will be scrambled live using a spreadsheet and the TOP 5 in the list will be considered winners.
- The total revenue in Saitama tokens after estimated gas cost will be split by five and airdropped to the winners' wallets.
- Wallets holding more than one copy of this NFT will count as one holder, meanin...