Meltelbrot #12 - The Legend of Eirik and the Whale
Questions: Meltoid (@meltoid)
Interviewer: Meltoid.
Interviewee: Eirik the Viking.
Today I’m chatting with another valued and sometimes notorious member of the Enjin clan, Eirik the Viking, you may have heard the legend but today we tell the story. Eirik has been a part of this community for its length and is one of its biggest supporters, in more ways than one. Valhalla, here we come.
First of all Eirik, and it’s something I ask nearly everyone, what’s your gaming experience and how did you first get into Enjin?
I have been a passionate gamer since the early eighties, when my father brought home a Commodore 64. This did not only get me in...