SummerRain joins all SummerGrass Holders as a free airdrop.
SummerRain is minted to Manifold on my own smart contract.
The image was shot on the same evening as SummerGrass. It is the “banger” that occurred some 30 minutes later.
This night was exceptionally hot, storm clouds were rolling through, followed by stunning Virga rain that caught the colours the sun painted on everything she touched.
Virga rain is formed when the rain evaporates in the heat before it has the chance to touch the earth, a pretty special sight!
I like to call it SummerRain.
Contract: Manifold
Edition: Free Airdrop to SummerGrass Holders
Date: March 2022
Camera: Nikon Z6
Size: 5437 x 3618
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