The year is 2077.
The singularity has come & gone.
Leaders of the world have united behind one single currency!
The promise was abundance.
The reality was different.
Man. Machine.
They could not coexist.
"The bot wars" decimated the Punks ... Almost 80% of the population was wiped out overnight.
Zombies no longer roam the earth thanks to the cure found by an aging @VitalikButerin
Welcome to the world of the @DystopianPunks
This first transaction mints a total of 65 DystoPunks by dekadente.eth, the creator of Dystopunks.
The first 100 DystoPunks-v2 mints were animated cyborg punks, which were given to holders of dekadentes previous punk art work [Dystopunks-v1](https...