The energy daemon Edazor (3FACE #2292) is currently bound by 0x7B83f4AEf8377f3f6A54Ae6728A8a3ECcb3F6b3C.
Edazor has adapted 1 time.
Most recently, Edazor found itself thriving in a active wallet.
Edazor’s natural drive is to chase TRANSCENDENCE.
Edazor detects a nurtured daemon in you, one that patterns itself as a PROMETHEAN.
This nurtured Promethean commands Edazor to "go far and go eat." Edazor wrestles with this. Both look to you.
"You" currently permit Edazor to terrorize your nurtured Promethean.
This is called a MONSTROUS Posture.
To re-adapt Edazor to changes in your behavior and personality, visit [](