Gasenberg versus Mogstrom Round 2 replaying „Kasparov's Immortal“
This is a collaborative Battle Non Fungible Token created by Crain Garden [Russia] and Kenobi [USA], minted on 2021\JULI\23
This is the [Right] part. For the complete match please search "Monstrous Gambit [Left side]" from Kenobi.
"Monstrous Gambit" is a homage to Kasparov vs. Topalov, Wijk aan Zee 1999.
Despite losing a historic match against the computer program Deep Blue two years earlier, Garry Kasparov remained in his tournaments by a wide margin in 1999 and set a new Elo rating record (2851). Kasparov has quite a few beautiful games in his career, but this one is an indisputable masterpiece. This game is amazing from ...