Home pageRaribleCollectible: 感谢伟大的邓小平同志倡导“改革开放”,让中国老百姓过上好日子。感谢邓小平同志带领中国走向富强之国。Thanks to the great Comrade Deng Xiaoping for advocating "reform and opening up" so that the Chinese people can lead a better life. Thank you Comrade Deng Xiaoping for leading China to become prosperous and strong.
感谢伟大的邓小平同志倡导“改革开放”,让中国老百姓过上好日子。感谢邓小平同志带领中国走向富强之国。Thanks to the great Comrade Deng Xiaoping for advocating "reform and opening up" so that the Chinese people can lead a better life. Thank you Comrade Deng Xiaoping for leading China to become prosperous and strong.