đŧī¸ [PFP](https://arweave.net/AySBgc8cY0qJ7soMcQevzvrDfIKfID3oStOI11uInzM/5524.png) âĸ đšī¸ [3D Model](https://arweave.net/8PwCHXZitykEzx2pabuSNPsvWO8nBICOGquI49gojtg/glb/hero/SM-03_C_R0052.glb) âĸ đ [Full Screen](https://voxodeus.io/voxo/5524)
**Built Different** 6312 Voxos. 6 Species. 4 Factions. 3 Rarities.
Sci-Fi Mythic designs and lore ranging from sentient robots to immortal cosmic beings...
3D interactivity, dynamic backgrounds, ambient music, and also the first NFT project to partner with [@TheSandboxGame](https://www.sandbox.game/en/) to create playable avatars for VoxoDeus NFT owners.