Trash Talk featuring L-R:
@SergueiV @Jay_Delay $SPAM @robnessofficial $TRSH @CollinsCustomIP @secondrealm $TATR @xavieriturralde $PIXEL @xbrucethegoose $GOOSE @OoakosiM @karan4d
and @cryptoyuna (off screen)
Part 2: December 1 2020.
Watch Trash Talk:
Trash Talk part of Crypto Art Week OCTOBER 26 - 31, 2020:
#Cryptoartweek is presented by @Coldie and YESUNIVERSE.ART
Trash the talk.
The Trash Art Panel: a screenshot double moshed then gif’d
Sadly, this process took longer than 5 minutes.
Thank you to all those involved in the trashart movement. You have inspired me to create and to share my creations. No matter what you t...