ALOTTA ON3S is an od3 to web3 community.
its the first bounce song on sound
and it's BIG community revelry.
my last music nft of 2022.
one night on fsr, producer ex·tra·or·di·naire june jissle
sampled the stylings of old orleans and asked me to repeat what
I had just said, which was "i got alotta ones", add the fire twerkart of PHATPHACTS, + the lgggg we love to love, and the rest is web3 history.
here's to a year of doing something very different, together.
the creators and collectors
the artists and the art lovers
the builders and developers
the shippers and shakers...
we are early,
we are here, now.
web3 is no small thing.
queen charm
produced by @junejissle
written a...