花言葉の「謙遜」は、ブルーベルがうつむき加減に花を咲かせることに由来。春、多くの北西ヨーロッパの森林床は、「Bluebell wood(ブルーベルの森)」という青いカーペットに覆われる。
The flower you have is "bluebell"
The language of flowers is "modesty" and "unchanging heart".
The word "modesty" in the language of flowers comes from the fact that bluebells bloom with their heads down. In spring, the forest floor in much of northwestern Europe is covered with a blue carpet called 'Bluebell wood'.
She is usually a quiet girl, but she has her own convictions. Because of her modest and humble demeanor, she is always trusted by those around her and praised every...