The Great and Absolute Lord of All Memes, Pope Pepe!
Pope Pepe has been designed to bless all of your non-fungible tokens with divine power..All your art, memes and music will be protected by Pope Pepe as he calls upon the meme gods.
Unlike Justin's previous voxel projects, Pope Pepe is a true voxel asset that will be an iconic, truly one-of-a-kind piece to display in your metaverse space.
[Let us prayge] Our Sartoshi, which art in the blockchain, Hallowed be thy Node.
Thy Moon will come. Thy hash will be done, on earth, As it is encrypted.
Give us this day our daily mint. And forgive us our fudders, As we forgive them that fud against us. And lead us not into rugs, But deliver us f...