Own a piece of official meme history with this Rare Pepe NFT.
TOREROPEPE - Series 5 issued October 16, 2016
When this card is on the game all opponens has to stand up, and says: Oleee!
Envasive effect.
Can dominate any beast.
View contents of NFT by expanding Properties Below and at Emblem.Finance 👇
[View this NFT on Emblem.Finance](https://emblem.finance/nft?id=84683743330798801)
XCP Explorer: [1MiA7kE36bGiMigSf1mXg99EYSBtNh6HG4](https://xchain.io/address/1MiA7kE36bGiMigSf1mXg99EYSBtNh6HG4)