( SARUTOBICARD - Spells Of Genesis / Sarutobi Island )
Contary to mainstream belief Sarutobicard (2015) is the earliest NFT ape and is even rarer than Bored Apes 1600 as compared to 10,000.
This is the first NFT that could be used in both Spells Of Genesis and Sarutobi Island. As such has a place in history as the first cross game NFT.
View contents of NFT by expanding Properties Below and at Emblem.Finance 👇
[View this NFT on Emblem.Finance](https://emblem.finance/nft?id=11506760533328561)
XCP Explorer: [135QuvrVjxoC6hYT2kLwtPhdZfXzCoNq6S](https://xchain.io/address/135QuvrVjxoC6hYT2kLwtPhdZfXzCoNq6S)