EtherID Domain
(UTF8): city
(Hex): 0x63697479
(Decimal): 1667855481
Mint: December 20, 2015
EtherID is the one of the earliest ownable and transferable DNS projects on the Ethereum blockchain, launched on Nov 29, 2015. The project was created by developer Alexandre Naverniouk, and is a precursor to the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). It also precedes both ERC-20 and ERC-721 token standards. In EtherID's smart contract, the project is referred to as the Ethereum Name Registrar. The total EtherID supply for the years 2015 to 2018 is 33,721. Please note that all EtherIDs may be renewed for up to 2 million blocks (~9 months). Therefore, like ENS, it's necessary to renew them periodically. The ...