_-_8BIT_vs_Aphrodite_-_ Buyer of this artwork will unlock; 8BIT_vs_Aphrodite 1204 X 2048 render image JPEG 1204 X 2048 render image PNG. Vox file created in Magicavoxel. OBJ file for import into program of choice. _Old_Gods_-_New_Gods_ 8BIT_Versus_-_8BIT_Verses 'Ye that ruled in heavenly places, And the faith of mortals won! Gods created by old races Perished from beneath the sun.' 'We humans give our time to the damnedest things. Whatever will we worship next? PEWPEWPEW' Part of the 8BIT_Versus_collection: Six digital sculptures. Five copies each of sculptures 1 to 5. Sixth copy is a 1-of-1; initially ONLY available by finding the three letter codes hidden in each artwork a...