Attention all passengers.
Thank you for joining us on the Seize the Underground Series 🚇
This station is Rue la Memeory.
This is the end of the line.
Please exit all trains and transfer to the Open Metaverse
Rue la Memeory
OE Ξ 0.006529
Featuring memes by @cyber_humanoid, @lphaCentauriKid, @ALIENQUEENNFT, @ROBNESSOFFICIAL, @6529er, @osf_nft, @komodaharu, @DolcePaganne & @JakNFT
Drop 4 of a 4-part collection in tribute to Season 1 of The #Memes curated by @Punk6529 🫡
Seize the Derivatives ⌐🆇-🆇