[View Fullscreen](https://cosmic-bloom.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXcFnm3d4FqRtSRNW5y14mPBBAG1K8roP5qBMrdViHiqP/token866/index.html#cb-866.js)
The flower is a teacher of symmetry and geometry (the ‘eternal verities’, as Plato called them). In this, flowers can be treated as sources of remembering – a way of recalling our own wholeness, as well as awakening our inner power of recognition and consciousness. What is evident in the geometry of the face of a flower can remind us of geometry that underlies all existence. – The Hidden Geometry of Flowers
_Cosmic Bloom_ is a new collection of NFTs by Leo Villareal and is the second part of the artist’s _Cosmologies_ series. The series began with [_Cos...