We heard you're bored and love to ape. Behold the Genesis of the Apesthetics x MetaFactory Tribes Series. Non-#cheetahgang apes welcome.
Each physical hoodie comes with a 1/150 ERC-1155 of the Artwork featured by @Sickpencil.
This piece is an ape-fueled collaboration from the following:
@cryptopunk237 BAYC #2850
@OGDfarmer BAYC #2940
@codyboston19 BAYC #5388
@Nbatopshoteast BAYC #1407
@TraderRVM BAYC #2394
@DirSchmidt BAYC #8577
Design Direction: @CryptoAccord#0001
Procedural Fur: @Fraemwerk#2409
RoboApe Logo: @werdevill @gonerotten