# *The Calder Question* - Season 1
Calder Foundation and TRLab have joined forces with two-time Emmy® Award-winning motion designer Raoul Marks to create 5 limited edition NFT artworks for Season 1 of The Calder Question based on these 5 Calder mobiles:
- Vertical Foliage, 1941
- Eucalyptus, 1940
- Snow Flurry, 1948
- Tines, 1943
- Untitled, 1956
Raoul Marks: "It’s an interesting anomaly that light is pulled towards a black hole, and that hole has a horizon that light cannot escape, a barrier we can’t perceive beyond. Calder’s mobile possesses elements of this ineffable quality. They are at first impression beautiful, but also comprehensible. Having studied these works intently, their...