Home pageRaribleCollectible: 100年后,人类的文森特.威廉.梵高就是现在的迈克·温克尔曼。(但是迈克.温克尔曼有伟大的梦想和目标,所以迈克.温克尔曼将继续为人类的进步、发展,努力做贡献。)全球限量一张。100 Biology, Vincent William Van Gogh of mankind is now Mike Winkelman. (But Mike Winkelman has great dreams and goals, so Mike Winkelman will continue to contribute to the progress and hard work of mankind.) Globally develop itself.
100年后,人类的文森特.威廉.梵高就是现在的迈克·温克尔曼。(但是迈克.温克尔曼有伟大的梦想和目标,所以迈克.温克尔曼将继续为人类的进步、发展,努力做贡献。)全球限量一张。100 Biology, Vincent William Van Gogh of mankind is now Mike Winkelman. (But Mike Winkelman has great dreams and goals, so Mike Winkelman will continue to contribute to the progress and hard work of mankind.) Globally develop itself.