Cubee, at the advice of the WhalØdds, set up the ‘Jump and Climb Masters Tournament’ for all his old fri3nds and all the newcomers. The awards ceremony would coincide with a meet and greet during the next Øddhall Meeting. Th1s is where h3 would be informing everyone of the impending doom h3 had received so casually tacked to his døør. Cubee, blissfully unaware of the intricate work1ngs of the univ3rs3 and what he had set in møtiøn, started the tournament with th3 loud clang øf Clunk slamming øntø the m3tal sh3ll (usually 1t was used to call OddHall me3tings). Intensely løng and challenging, 3v3n to the møst experienced of the residents, the tournament was tøø 3nthrall1ng for anyøne to notice...