Title : Naga Sadhus - Har Har Mahadev
About the Piece :
The 'Naga Babas' or 'Naga Sadhus' (literally meaning 'Naked Yogis') are a part of the Shaivite sadhus' sect who worship Lord Shiva. They cover their body with ash and have matted dreadlocks resembling Lord Shiva.
They remain completely naked and hence called as Naked Yogis. Remaining naked is a sign of their renunciation. They generally meditate or follow some spiritual practice most of the time. They don't bother much about the weather and hence they are seen even in extreme cold, in snow and hot places without wearing anything.
They chant the slogan of " Har Har Mahadev" - which means “Please take away (destroy) bad things in ou...