「あの子だれだろう?」キラキラまとい、かわいいを漂わせてピカピカを振りまいて 目の前に現れたかと思えばすぐにふわふわ消えてしまう。 時々悪魔で時々人魚で時々死神な羽の生えた美女。 きっと訊ねてはだめで、知ってもいけない。見え隠れさせてる苦痛を愛でさせるの。 あの子は、ただぼんやりと行方知れず仮想の海の淵で泡になる。
/ "Who is that girl?" Glittering, fluttering cute and sprinkling shiny She disappears fluffy as soon as she appears in front of her. She is sometimes a devil, sometimes a mermaid, and sometimes a grim reaper. She must not ask, she must not know. She loves the pain she's hiding. That child is just vaguely missing It becomes a bubble at the edge of the virtual sea.