This series depicts a girl and a strange creature called "Snumy".
When the creature first appeared, it was thought to be an enemy of humanity.
"Snumy" was named after "Snuggle Enemy" because of its tendency to snuggle up to people.
"Snumy" has a therapeutic effect When the results of a study were published, it became rather beloved by humankind.
"Snummy" has a therapeutic effect on the mind. Once the research was published, it became rather beloved by mankind.
人にすり寄ってくることからすり寄る敵"Snuggle Enemy"からとって"Snumy(スナミー)"と呼ばれるようになったが、特に害もなくスナミーにはセラピー効果があるという研究結果が発表されると、むしろ人類に愛されるようになった。