Yi-juk-yi-byung / 이죽이병 / 珥竹異兵 by ShinyTiger
From the city Gyeong-ju, province
A human-type, mystical creature with bamboo leaves on its ears. Also known as soldier of death, Yi-juk-yi-byung can vanish and appear unexpectedly. Not recognised as the most talkative, but very much for its skills in battles, this creature moves around in hundreds or thousands. Legend says that in 297 A.D., the troop of Yi-juk-yi-byung appeared in the battle field of Shilla and helped the country against the enemy’s invasion, in condolence of demised king Michu.
With its talent of sweeping the battlefield silently, capturing Yi-juk-yi-byung will safeguard your path.
[경상북도 경주]
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