Mo-Saek-Sim-Myung 모색심명 (very light-colored hair) by Shiny Tiger
Humongous tiger-like, tail-less creature with eccentric, very light-colored hair that glows. Twice or even three times as big as the normal human, this cheerful creature can’t help itself but dance when there’s a music playing nearby. As difficult as it is to run into, seeing Mo-Saek-Sim-Myung is known to bring the luck to those who seize the rare chance. Spotted nearby Jiri-san mountaintop once in a blue moon. Travelers around will get to see a shimmering light from the distance with the right playlist of its taste.
털 색이 아주 밝고 특이한 호랑이 같은 동물이다. 몸에서 스스로 빛을 내는데 호랑이와 달리 꼬리가 없고 크기가 사람의 몇 배에 달할 정도로 크다. 음악을 좋아해 음악이 들리면 춤을 춘다. 지리산 꼭대...