== CAKE-chan ==
Anthropomorphized "$CAKE".
The hair clip she wears represents "Swap" and the figure of her cooking pancakes does LP Farming.
She is called a "pancake maker".
She lives and works in a work room, "PancakeSwap" in BNB-chan's mansion, the daughter of a major cryptocurrency exchange house.
(BNB-chan: https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/62091009654587096659327536782353929275401060064902985666579027212385908686849 )
This hair clip representing the BNB logo was received from BNB-chan as a sign that she is the exclusive pancake maker of BNB-chan.
$CAKE is the currency used in a DEX (decentralized exchange) called "PancakeSw...