**About the artwork:** “The Chalet Daytime” is the daytime version of "The Chalet". It is showcasing a lonely chalet in the winter nowhere, next to a 3 winter firs. A bird circles above the scene, waiting for someone to leave the house and throw it something edible. I am a great admirer of minimalist creations. They look noble, calming and dreamy.
Edition 1/1
4000 x 5000 px / 300dpi
Artist: Kathrin Federer
Created in Photoshop CC
The first collector gets the Original Uncompressed TIFF and Original JPG files on request.
Valid Copyright and License: CC-ND-SA.
Keywords: kathrin federer, snow, winter, minimal, minimalist, minimalism, lonely, white, fog, chalet, moody, bird, trees, fi...