「the Muses」は陶磁器の置物を原作としたデジタル彫刻のシリーズです。オーナーはクリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンスに従って展示やバーチャル空間のインテリアに利用することができます。
🏷️ AIMAI(曖昧) metallicは20点限定で発行されます。
The Muses are digital sculptures. The origin of these works is a ceramic figurine designed by PRINTGEEK. They have been recreated for the digital space with various different transformations. As long as comply with the license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), the owner may use this model. You may of course display this work in a museum or use it as an interior decoration in your virtual space.
🏷️ AIMAI(曖昧) metallic is multiple NFTs (Limited to 20).
This NFT includes the following files:
→ 3D file (glb) [download](https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmX3KMuXwnsePC3gWNEduA3...