NFT Festival Limited time collection. Limited edition of 7 pieces👼👼👼👼👼👼👼! SUKIYAKI TENGOKU is a world based on the concept of creation and delicious food🍎The first day of creation is "Let There Be Light"✨The angels descend as messengers of light in series #001👼✨! Why don't you become an inhabitant of the world where all creatures are happy with love & peace? 🌈✨
NFT縁日 期間限定コレクション。7体👼👼👼👼👼👼👼 「SUKIYAKI TENGOKU」は天地創造とおいしいものをコンセプトとした世界🍎天地創造の1日目は「光あれ」✨シリーズ#001は光の使者として天使が降臨👼✨!ラブ&ピースですべてのいきものがしあわせな世界の住民になりませんか?🌈✨