·The first person to collect 3 HASHMUSK in LAS VEGAS will receive the "casinonight.eth" domain !!!!!! ( Casinonight.crypto sold in 2.000$)
·The first person who has 10 HASHMUSK ending in 8 will receive the ENS domain "10000x.eth"
·The first person to collect 10 HASHMUSK that end in 4, will receive the ENS domain "MyBets.eth"
·The first person to collect 10 HASHMUSK with #>67 will receive the ENS domain "MagicInBits.eth"
·The first person to collect 5 HASHMUSK featuring Snoop Dog will receive the "rockandcoin.eth" domain.
· Some HASHMUSK may contain surprise gifts as MusicNFTs !!!!!!!!!!!!!
"LucyInTheSky.eth" , "SmokeOnTheWater.eth" and "SexInNewYork.eth" have already bee...