This is plot #7 (7 ; 1)
Warvatars counts 1089 plots (square grid of 33x33 plots). For example last plot is #1089 location 33 ; 33... Whereas PX99 plot is #1 (1 ; 1)
Scoop a plot then shoot a DM to @warvatars in Twitter. The battlefied will then be updated with the Twitter avatar of your choice (1 plot = 1 displayed avatar / Avatar should be 400x400 pixels)
You can trade and sell your plot but new holder gains ownership so he can put its own avatar above yours! Warvatars is no mercy 🗲
Once sold out the map will be froze and locked forever. NFT hstory will be made... Hope to see you there but remember : there is only 1089 plots to populate!