“Haizakura" is a grayish cherry color. It is light gray with a slight reddish tinge. It is said to be a color name from the late Edo period , when rat colors were in vogue, This color is brighter and softer in texture than "Sakura Nezumi".
The name "Hana-ikada" was inspired by the image of petals scattered on the surface of the water, blowing and flowing together.
「灰桜」とは、灰色がかった桜色です。 明るい灰色にわずかに赤味が入っています。 鼠色が流行した江戸時代後期以降の色名と言われており、 「桜鼠(さくらねずみ)」よりもこちらの方が明るくやわらかい風合いです。