Non-Official 'Gutter Cats Gang' parody project.
by Centrartz / Gutter Cat #2218
1/1 x 1000 Girl Cats Supply - Randomly generated based on 9 Traits and more than 45 different Properties.
Flat pricing plan / No bonding curve (minted every day at 12.30 PM EST)
GC #1 - #15 (Genesis Drop) : 0.02
GC #16 - #1000 (Daily Drop) : 0.035
Don't let your Catz alone! they need a girl to live in this space.
Girl Cats Club Roadmap:
1. More girls will be randomly minted every day at 12.30 PM EST
2. Flat pricing plan, the rest GC will be listed at 0.035
3. You can pre...