Every Chungo equals one lottery ticket for giveaways by Capt.eth
The giveaways will include but are not limited to major NFTs, All paid vacations, IRL products and services.
This collection offers 2500 10X multipliers. There will never be more than 2500. Each 10X multiplier gives you 10X tickets for each Chungo held in the same wallet as the multiplier.
For example, 3 Chungos = 3 Chungo Lottery tickets. 3 Chungos + 1 Chungo Lotto 10X Multiplier = 30 Chungo Lottery tickets.
Every Chungo Lotto 10X Multiplier gives you 10X tickets per Chungo held in your wallet. If you have 5 Multipliers then it's 50X etc.
The multipliers only work if there are Chungos in your wallet.
This brings real uti...