DEATH PUNK 188 (Eclipsed)
Sometimes I feel like I’ve been eclipsed
Hello! Over here! Can you see me through the mist?
Nope, that’s my cloak that makes me invisible
I joke to myself but I’m really quite miserable
On Twitter I pump bags and drop alpha for free
No likes or a retweet - why? Can’t you see me?
Hang with friends and I start to share the news
“You’ve gotta buy jpegs, there’s no way to lose”
Now when I see them it’s “Sorry Bro, gotta go”
Whenever I speak I hear “STOP TALKING CRYPTO”
See my girl; says she’s got a ‘buddy’ over to play
That’s ok, I’m busy trading jpegs; got bills to pay
One day I’ll flip a Punk; go to a deserted beach
I’ll tell no one I’m going and sta...