My name is Kuroi Shusen and I am a member of NFT Art Creators. Kuroi Shusen "Deceptive Spirits of Mountains and Rivers.
This is a collection of works with a world view of Kuroi Trapeze, based on the concept of evil spirits of mountains and rivers, deceptive spirits of spirits of mountains and rivers, deformed species, strange things, and mandalas.
Various kinds of "things" live in the alleyway Isegatodo. If you take a peek, you will find...
[Product Introduction] Present project products
NFT Art Creators所属の【黑井鞦韆】です。 【路地裏異形堂シリーズ】 魑魅魍魎・異形種・怪異・曼荼羅をコンセプトとした、黑井鞦韆の世界観溢れる作品集です。
路地裏異形堂には様々な『モノ』が棲んでいます。 覗いてみたらそこには…
【商品紹介説明】 プレゼント企画商品です。
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