Ruang Karsa: The Parapatih, Mahapatih, all the heavenly beings, stood beneath of, watched over by, the people
Artwork #03 of 20 in the Core Set of Project Mutja. 2362 x 2666px (JPG).
© Copyright is fully owned by artist Antonio Reinhard. Owner of this NFT may use the image for personal and non-commercial purposes only. Please email to
[email protected] for commercial usage.
(Left to right) Danuardana, Ardhiona, Wening, Latimer, Kostja, Paramitta, Metta, Adara Utari Gita, Mutja, Ondine, Mahidana
9 Parapatih & Mahapatih, servants of Mitreka
“10527th Assembly, 27th January, 5053, Ruang Karsa, Gedung Puraputi, Nayandra, Mitreka.” Mahapatih Paramitta op...