Bělobog is a wise god of kindness and light. Among the gods of Futureland, he often acts as a judge. He resides far in the east, on Futureland's highest mountain. For his calm, reasonable and fair mind, he is respected by the other gods. His mission is to keep the balance between day and night. Bělobog is the counterbalance to the dark side, as Černobog loses his power in his presence. Bělobog has a God's Rank of #14.
Bělobog je moudrý bůh dobra a světla. Mezi bohy Futurelandu často zastává roli soudce. Sídlí až daleko na východě, na nejvyšší hoře Futurelandu. Pro svou klidnou, rozvážnou a spravedlivou mysl se těší respektu mezi ostatními bohy. Jeho posláním je udržovat rovnouváhu mezi dnem...