執事長兼暗殺者。ヴィルヘルム家に仇なす者を数え切れないほど血祭に上げて来た往年のプロフェッショナル、先代から仕えている。ヴィリーの教育係でもあったため、今でも稀に相談をされる立ち位置にいる。肝入りの弟子を執事やメイドとしてヴィルヘルム家の館に住まわせており、その権威や発言力はヘルシャフトの中でも盤石。 好きなもの ティータイムと林檎 嫌いなもの 無能
Chief butler and assassin. He has served the Wilhelm family since his predecessor, a professional of the past who has bloodied countless avengers of the Wilhelm family. He was also the educator of Willi, and is still in a position to be consulted on rare occasions. He has his disciples living in the Wilhelm family mansion as butlers and maids, and his authority and voice are solid even among the Hellshafts.Likes:tea time and apples. Dislikes:incompe...