”大喰い”の異名を持ち、その狂暴性・危険度によりRUNNERから常にマークされているのがグーラだ。特筆すべきは、その異常な食欲だろう。生まれつき脳に変性がある影響で、どれだけ喰らおうが、その巨体が真に飢えから満たされることはない。事実、彼の犯罪の大半は、その食欲を満たすためだけに実行される。グーラにかぎって言えば、理性など最初から存在しなかったようだ。好きなもの 肉(特に草食獣の肉)嫌いなもの 空腹
name:Gula 【WANTED】
Gula is known as a "glutton," and is always under the watchful eye of RUNNER due to his ferocious and dangerous nature. What is most noteworthy about Gula is his extraordinary appetite. Due to the effects of a degenerative brain disorder he was born with, no matter how much he eats, his huge body is never truly satisfied from hunger. In fact, most of his crimes are committed solely to satisfy his appetite. In the case of Gula, it s...