身元不明の自称孤児。スラム街で喧噪に巻き込まれかけた所、アスラの気紛れで一命をとりとめて以来、物陰に隠れながら後をつけ回しているが、良く煙に巻かれている。住む家はないようだ。感情の起伏が激しくよく吠える。大分ひねくれているが、擦れ切らない素直な一面も。潜在的なスリの天才。好きなもの チョコレート 嫌いなもの 大きな音
A self-proclaimed orphan with an unknown identity. He was almost caught in the bustle of a slum, but Asra's whim saved his life. Since then, he has been following Asra around, hiding in the shadows, but is often caught in smoke. He seems to have no home. He is a very emotional dog and barks a lot. He is very twisted, but he also has an honest side that is not completely frayed. Potential pickpocket genius. Likes chocolate. Dislikes loud noises.