This is a remix of the original song Daises under the Moon by krp.
This is also a MINTPASS to my next song releasing on or before Feb 1st.
Holders of this NFT will get a Flat 20% discount.
Name of the remix artist: @accsynth.
Mixed & mastered by: @accsynth.
Artwork: @TadziuMusic.
AccSynth is an aspiring producer, who hails from India. He is a self-taught producer and is trained in Hindustani, Carnatic, and the Western style of music for almost 12 years. It has been his long-term vision to transcend any kind of cultural barriers when it comes to music.
The original \"Daisies under the moon\" is a song I, krp, wrote in a countryside in Moscow, Russia in the summer of June this year w...