Visual Music Series No. 3
It was a boondoggle from the start. Horace the Meech couldn’t get his head around it. He had been playing for the Mugwumps for 3 moog cycles. Everything was going well. His new instrument, the Floofer Board, designed by Garlick Grimbsby, was spreekin’ hot.
The big problem was his Vorkenschpiel. He had spent a small fortune in bitcoin developing it. The Vorkenschpiel was a beautiful idea. The AI at its core was bootstrapped from a scan of an octopus brain. It could morph a tableau from its bionano stock in under 30 garsecs.
The thing about an octopus brain is that it is alien to the way mammals think. Whenever Horace jammed with the Vorkenschpiel, it blew ...