1986, when I got one of the first VD-Amiga digitizers for my Amiga1000, I made an animation called "Moving Warhol" a sequence of colorized and overpainted Marilyn portraits. One year later, when I heard of Andy Warhol´s death, I reloaded some pictures from floppy discs and created this collage called "In memoriam Andy Warhol". The original animation from 1986 was lost later. This his is the original collage from 1987 restored as good as possible in photoshop. I have one 21x30cm thermo sublimation printout of this picture (printed 1989) hanging on my wall behind me.
Amiga2000 Dpaint II, 1987.
the original size in Dpaint 352x512 32 colors
resized, restored and optimized 2020 for this re...