ドルイドクマ[Druid Kuma] 全知を司ると言って良い程の知識クマで愛読家だが、ソクマテスの提唱した「無知の知」を誰よりも感じているクマである。 ほとんど言葉を発しないため、喋る時に声が裏返っている時がほとんどだが、しれっとギャグを言う1面もある。 クマ見知りなため目撃情報はほとんどないが、遭遇した際には一生クマ(困)らない程の食糧が貰えるとか何とか…
Druid Kuma is a knowledgeable bear and a lover of reading to the extent that they can be said to be the ruler of all knowledge, but he is the bear who feels more than anyone else the "knowledge of ignorance" advocated by Socrates. Druid Kuma rarely speaks, and most of the time when they does, his voice sounds hollow, but he also has a side that makes gags. Because of their shyness, there have been few sightings of them, but if you encounter them, you will be given enough food to last you a lifetime...