MiOne Genesis is a random generated collection of 888 NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain created by Rami who is an entrepreneur, gamer, writer and professional investor. This project consists of Rami’s 5 passions: investment, board games, tarot cards, book-reading, and cats. With real-world business integration, MiOne Genesis NFT holders will be able to take parts in the creation of MilkyWay Miao metaverse. Join us to this journey!
元祖喵(MiOne)是個充滿實驗性質的非同質化代幣(NFT)項目,基於以太坊所隨機生成888個角色,每個角色都具備獨一無二的特質,創辦人蕾咪結合了許多她熱愛的元素,包含投資理財、卡牌桌遊、塔羅靈性、咖啡閱讀、貓咪周邊等,並整合其商業資源,在元宇宙玩點虛實整合的創意,歡迎加入成為蕾咪元宇宙的共創夥伴 貓爾族王國(MilkyWay Miao)公民。