Humans are characterized by a desire to form communities around ideas, symbols, and artifacts that satisfy our overlapping interpretations of beauty. Tiles are a celebration of what gives meaning to those communities: the individual.There is one Tile generated for every possible ETH wallet address—each representing a unique identity in the decentralized ecosystem that makes projects like this possible.Mathematically, all Tiles are equally rare. They are all fashioned from the same assortment of simple shapes and colors, but each in a unique way. In that sense, Tiles are a bit like us.Owning a Tile is an invitation to participate in the TileDAO, which receives all revenue from the Tiles prima...
Mkt cap
Min price
24h Avg price
Zero-royalty trades
Wash trading
24h Volume
Total volume
24h Sales
Total sales
Mint price
0 sales
Medium Risk
Critical Risks
Medium Risks
Low RisksDetails
Collection Sales0 sales per last month
Creator Royalty5%
Metadata StorageBlockchain
External ContractCustom contract
Artifact StorageBlockchain
Token TypeERC-721
Unique OwnersCollection tokens1799 tokens
Unique Owners935 / 51.97%
Editable MetadataNot editable metadata stored on ipfs or blockchain
Past Owners0 of 0 owners is suspicious
Suspicious Sales0 potential sales
Missed Royalty Payments0% missed royalty fee
CopymintsThe original collection.
Found 0 similar collections
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Tokens bought and sold by the same address.
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