AAAAAAAUUUUUGGGHHHHH weeee gooooott ssOO mUUchh pAAaainnn in theee AAASSss TOO BE BoORN, SO yUU aR the hummAn thaat will sssuc ourrrr aaaAsses iifft yUU dOnnt WAntt TOOO buoys uUs, CUTTTEEEz ThiNg on da BLOKCHIN BeefooRee OuuR PoooOOPPP AR THHee kinNNG AAAUUUUUGGGHH gobblins goblinns GOBLINNNNNNNNns
Mkt cap
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Zero-royalty trades
Wash trading
24h Volume
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24h Sales
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0 sales
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0 sales per last month
Decentralized storage
Decentralized storage
Collection tokens571 tokens
Unique Owners58 / 10.15%
There were no sales for this token
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0 of 0 owners is suspicious
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0% missed royalty fee
The original collection.
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